on 20.11.03 9:01, Heiko Hamann at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Yes, I do. But I have to admit, that I don't like it as enthusiastically
> on the *istD as I did when I used it on my MZ-5n. Why? I prefer 35mm
> instead of 53mm ;-) Overall the FA35/2 seems to be a very good performer
> on the *istD but there isn't this aha experience that I had when I saw
> my first tack sharp pictures taken with the MZ-5n.
> But I'm quite sure that I have to get more experienced with the *istD
> and its lens combinations before I can judge this reliably.
I've noticed (well, to be honest actually I 've been using it with *istD for
two days only) that it performs very good on *istD except for chromatic
aberrations - these has been higher than with FA 24-90 (as a matter of fact
24-90 has shown the least of these interferences among my lenses, perhaps
because it has been really made with MZ-D in mind...)

Best Regards

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