
Wednesday, November 26, 2003, 5:21:41 PM, you wrote:

> Sounds cool.
> Not that I fulfill the member criteria, but it looks like some place to hang
> out when I'm in London. One of the cheap hotels at Norfolk Square is where I
> usually stay anyway. :-)

You could hang around outside and take intrusive photographs of the
paparazzi as they roll out drunk...

 Bob                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

"There is no such thing nowadays as Frenchmen, Germans, 
Spaniards, or even Englishmen - only Europeans. All have 
the same tastes, the same passions, the same customs, and 
for good reason: [...] Their fatherland is any country 
where there is money for them to steal and women for them 
to seduce." 
--- J J Rousseau

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