
frank theriault wrote:
> Actually, now that I went to the link, I think Bob ~does~ look like that,
> doesn't he?
> <vbg>
> But, seriously, Mike, thanks for that.  We got On the Buses here in Canada
> many years ago - I'm sure it's available on some cable-only station
> somewhere, but many many years ago, it came on broadcast TV here.  We never
> missed an episode, but it's been so long (like 30 years) since I've seen
> one, I'd quite forgotten about them.
> That was a wonderfu, funnyl series.  And, no doubt, 1/2 the humour was lost
> on us non-English colonial types.

I didn't find it all that funny; it was a comedy series in the music
hall/carry on vein that didn't have the quality of actor to carry it off
(pun semi-intended) and just came across as lame.  It was fighting with
Monty Python and other high quality surrealist comedy shows of the
time.  There certainly was great _potential_ for a number of the
characters, Blakey being one of them.

If Bob does look like Blakey, he could make a killing with personal
appearances.  He just has to practise "I 'ate you, Theriault!" 8-) It is
now one of the "Golden Age" comedy shows that gets to fill many a video
tape and DVD.


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