Well having shot 20 rolls of film since getting the 
6x7 back in April,i 
have found a few films i like so far and searching for others.

Slide film: has got to be Kodaks E 100VS.Nice colours and deep blue skies.I was using
Fuji's Provia 
100/400 for a bit but i think the Kodak has a tad more punch.

B&W: is leaning to Delta 100 and HP5+ but i'm just looking at neg's as i have no 
prints or
contacts to 
judge by yet.Hope to try my first home darkroom contacts tonight and see.       

Colour print is iffy still.I'v tried Portra 160 vc and 400 nc and Fuji nps 160 shot at
100.So far i like the 
latter a bit better,but nothing really stands out to me.I think the 6x7 format is great
for slide and B&W 
in my not so experience useages yet.

Just a personal observation.Any comments about colour neg film app.


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