You might want to try to find the vivitar series 1
28mm F1.9. Excellent lens and it sells for less
than $150 usually. Manual focus though...

   J.C. O'Connell   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

-----Original Message-----
From: William Robb [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, November 30, 2003 9:28 AM
Subject: Re: FA 31 mm 1.8 limited

----- Original Message -----
From: "Alan Chan"
Subject: Re: FA 31 mm 1.8 limited

> >How does the FA 31 mm f/1.8 AL Limited perform
> It is a pretty sharp lens corners to corners wide open, signfiicantly
> sharper than the FA*24. One stop down it is super sharp. Although it is
> a fair comparsion, but it is the sharpest lens I have owned so far. Quite
> possible one of the sharpest Pentax 135 lenses too.
> >and is it worth buying at $860.00 US.
> Probably not when FA28/2.8 & FA35/2 are a lot cheaper, but heck, do you
> really care when you just wanted one?  :-)

I just recently checked into the pricing of this lens. The local shop wanted
Can$1500.00 for it NIB.
>From that POV, US$860.00 is probably not out of line, though that is a lot
of money to pay for a lens for a 35mm camera.

William Robb

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