Leonard Paris wrote:

> How would the folks on the street know whether  a camera was 
> AF or MF?  I understand that some people on the street might 
> know but most wouldn't.

A 67 with a wooden grip looks a more imposing camera, which from observing
peoples reaction to a large camera, seems to give the impression that you
are working for a company with a legitimate right to be there taking

The reality that most companies - who do send people out to take photos of
either highway or infrastructure - now use point and shoot digital cameras,
seems not to matter! 
> If you are as big and imposing as Shel or I, folks try to 
> just ignore you and hope to not draw any extra attention to 
> themselves.

Some of the areas I like taking photographs in are very high street crime
areas. Drawing attention to yourself lowers the chance of being a victim and
although I am physically big, I get breathless very easily, so I'm a soft


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