Many projector lenses have a standardized mount (Kodak Carousel) and can be interchanged between a lot of projectors. If your Leitz projector has the horizontal round tray I am sure the lens is a Kodak mount, I am not sure about the Leitz projectors that have the side loading tray.


Lasse Karlsson wrote:

Thanks Bill R., Tom R. and Dag for your comments on the projector lights.
I have since tried them out.
The fan in the Leitz projector didn't work, why I soon had to turn it off at the smell 
of burnt rubber...
I won't be able to use that one, but neither can I make myself dispose of a lens that has 
"Leitz Wetzlar" engraved on it. (A Hector 85mm I think).
Any suggestions on what use I can make of such a lens?

Anyway - yes I think that the remaining Agfa projector will be useful in some ways. I'll see what I can put in front of it to modify the light.

I might even pull out some of my slides and show them to someone, or even see if I can 
use them for a background or something.
Project them onto a body?


----- Original Message ----- From: "Dag T" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, December 02, 2003 7:29 PM
Subject: Re: Projector lights as studio light source?

I have, for black and white photos.

I used the screen as a reflector and got a smooth lighting depending on the size of the "image" on the screen. With two projectors and two screens you get some control of the light.

I didn´t get much light though.


På 2. des. 2003 kl. 00.08 skrev Lasse Karlsson:

Hi all,

As mentioned in another thread I am about to try to set up a small kind of home studio.
Cleaning the garage today I found two old slide projectors that I haven't used for many, many years (hardly at all in fact). One is a Leitz Pradovit, the other maybe an Agfa.
Has anyone found any meaningful use for slide projector lights in a studio?

(The lights are strong (the Leitz one slightly yellowish), however I have no idea what temperature (Kelvin) they are or how films or a digital sensor perceives them.)


-- graywolf

"You might as well accept people as they are,
you are not going to be able to change them anyway."

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