> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tanya Mayer Photography [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> do you guys set up separate areas for different types of
> jobs?  eg a "baby
> portrait" cabinet, a "wedding" cabinet etc.  I am trying to
> think of the
> best way to be able to remember where to look for each file.

No, it's by client name. If I do 6 jobs for a client they're all right
next to each other, which is where I want them to be.

Personally, I'm just lazy. I'm naturally disorganized. I don't want to
set up a DB, or a file numbering system, I just want to be able to
find the stuff I need to find. That's the whole point right? You need
to pull some negs or a contract, you want where it is. If something
comes in, it goes in the bag. If I need to find something for a
client, I know it's in the bag, or in the client's folder in Outlook.


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