Well, I would accept that from Frank T, he rides a bicycle, but aren't you being a bit hypocritical there, Bill? You run your car with what? You heat your house with what? Nuclear energy maybe? No that is anti-environmental too. Must be geothermal energy. No, that would eventually cool down the earths core. No, obviously, we must kill 99% of the people in the world and force the remainder to live as hunter/gatherers, that way we would not hurt the environment any more that the other animals do.

Funny thing about fanatics, to them there are only 2 sides to an argument theirs and anyone else's. Everyone who is not an enviro-religious fanatic is not necessarily against conservation of resources. I feel fanaticism is the worst human trait of all, "You are either one of us, or you are an enemy". Almost all of human nastiness is based upon that premise. It justifies your doing anything to someone who is "not one of us".


William Robb wrote:

One side says stop burning fossil fuels, it causes global warming.
The other side says we will darn well burn our fossil fuels until the last
drop of oil is gone, it's our god given right, since we outlived the

What both sides, but especially the lets just burn the stuff side misses, is
that oil is much to valuable a resource to just burn up.

The environmentalists have the right idea, but not necessarily the wrong
The opposing group pretty much has their heads up their asses.

William Robb

-- graywolf http://graywolfphoto.com

"You might as well accept people as they are,
you are not going to be able to change them anyway."

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