My camera club - 41 members, 7 DSLR's - 3 Nikons, 4 Canons.


From: "frank theriault" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: Different take on film v digital
Date: Mon, 15 Dec 2003 18:01:37 -0500

Interesting, Tom,

As I was reading your post, I realized that other than pros, I haven't seen one DSLR outside of a store. And, when I say "other than pros", I mean that I've seen a few PJ's around, plus I have a couple of friends (okay, more like acquaintances) who are pros, and have toted around there gear a few times.

But, walking around touristy areas of town, I've not seen one. And, I always keep my eyes open for cameras, believe me.

So, the salesman's "almost all digital sales are p&s folks switching" sounds reasonable to me. I really haven't seen a huge increase in 35mm gear in the used sections of local shops. Medium Format yes, 35mm, no.


"The optimist thinks this is the best of all possible worlds. The pessimist fears it is true." -J. Robert Oppenheimer

From: graywolf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Different take on film v digital
Date: Mon, 15 Dec 2003 12:35:02 -0500

I was in Camera World of Charlotte (not related to CW out in Seatte), probably the same store Bill Owen was talking about a while back. They had baskets full of outdated 35mm film very cheap. I bought two bricks of Kodak Gold 100 x24 for $0.50 a roll. I got the impression this film was a special buy they got, rather than film they had not been able to sell.

Talking to the sales guy about the slow down due to digital, He said that it was mostly the P&S crowd switching to digital that was hurting film sales. He also said the most of the guys buying DSLR's were not trading in their film cameras, but keeping both. He said that the slow economy was probably hurting film sales more than digital was. This is quite a bit different from most reports we have been hearing.



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