> It's a one-touch zoom so this is slightly irksome - the ring will
> slip and change focal length according to gravity rather than
> staying put as the other lens does.

This is a personal preference issue, it seems to me.

If you want to use the lens pointed up or down on a tripod, then I
can see that zoom ring looseness would be problematic.  I also
suppose that, even hand-held, if you wanted to set the focal length
and then "forget it", that there might be an annoyance.

However, I have used a couple of these critters for many years as
hand-held zooms, and have found the so-called "looseness" to be
perfect for such use.  I ~like~ being able to zoom in or out
quickly, focusing as I zoom as needed (for moving targets), and/or
zooming as I focus as needed (for cropping).  The lens works very
well for tracking and cropping moving targets.  I would not like the
zoom ring to be "fighting me" as I am adjusting it.

For me, if I am going to be shooting in this FL range on a tripod
(with the lens aimed in any direction), I am probably going to be
using a suitable prime lens anyway.  I would think that a 2-touch
zoom would also be a good possibility for such use.

Your mileage may vary, of course...


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