
Cotty wrote:
> Okay, it's a Saturday afternoon here in Ye Olde Englande, the clouds have
> just parted and the sun's put in an appearance. It's 10 deg C outside,
> and John Constable's countryside beckons - but here I am sat on my fat
> ass in front of a keyboard, tea (Earl Grey, hot) in hand, Jazz FM on the
> digi-box, with spouse and hordes of screaming kids out at son's birthday
> viewing of Lord of the Blings :-)
> Ahhhhh.
> It's the silly season. What's the betting on the ratio of types of animal
> in the upcoming PUG?
> I'll go with:
> 24 cuddly cat pics (mine included)
> 18 smelly dog pics
> 12 rodents of various kinds (mice, gerbils, hamsters ["it's a rat,
> Manuel"], possums etc]
> 9 birds (domesticated or not, ducks, gulls, waders, geese, ostriches etc)
> 6 insectoids (the usual suspects: praying mantii, crickets, spiders etc)
> 3 bears
> 2 giraffes
> and a grey wolf ;-)
> Did I miss anything?

Don will send a microphotograph of a bacterium's wotsit.  Or, given the
time of year, a virus or two.  And let's not get into the argument of
whether they really _are_ animals.

I wonder who is going to send in the picture of a yuman bean, with the
caption "the most dangerous animal on the planet"?  Oh, that would be


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