Anyone ever seen a drawing where the car was leaning foward with eliptical wheels. Very common in the 20's and 30's, also in cartoons. Guess where the artists got that idea? Yep, from large format photos shot with a focalplane shutter camera like the old 5x7 speed graphics.

I understand Norman Rockwell shot all his pictures on film then made the paintings from the photos. A lot of painters try for the photorealistic look even today.

There has been an immense amount of photographic influence in art.


Rob Studdert wrote:
On 26 Dec 2003 at 8:23, Herb Chong wrote:

photography changed how painters paint.

Yep since the advent of photography painting has been more biased towards pure art not event recording as it 99.9% of photography in the hands of the general public as digital or film media.

Rob Studdert
Tel +61-2-9554-4110
UTC(GMT)  +10 Hours
Pentax user since 1986, PDMLer since 1998

-- graywolf

"You might as well accept people as they are,
you are not going to be able to change them anyway."

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