Well, when your normal state is seven sheets to the wind. You have to stay sober for New Years. Otherwise it is just another day. <GRIN>

Tanya Mayer Photography wrote:

What a bunch of party animals we Aussie PDML'ers seem to be!  An hour or so
into the New Year, and where are we? Not revelling, not partying, not a
drunken mess passed out on a footpath somewhere - noooooo, us dedicated
Pentaxians are sitting here in front of our 'puters talking about camera
gear, and setting a very responsible example to the rest of the world! lol.
So far, Kevin, Ryan, Rob and myself have posted, so that doesn't leave many
Aussies on list!  The rest are probably snoring their heads off or seeing in
the New Year like "normal" people.  We know who'll be having the best kind
of day tomorrow though don't we?!


-- graywolf http://graywolfphoto.com

"You might as well accept people as they are,
you are not going to be able to change them anyway."

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