Ok, I'll play too...  These are just my "photography" related ones, you
should see my personal list...

1. To complete my calendar and see it for sale in every
newsagent/Target/Kmart/Angerson Robertson Bookworld in Australia...

2. To get my "books" setup properly so that the tax man doesn't hunt me

3. To shoot in at least 3 separate Australian states...

4. To purchase/lease a DSLR/lens/accessories that is compatible with all of
my current kit...

5. To purchase a biiiiig flat screen LCD monitor...

6. To upgrade my RAM...

7. To purchase a laptop/data projector...

8. To become enabled with a Pentax FA 100m f2.8 macro...

9. To win an award of some description for my photography...

10. To finish my blasted website...

11. To publish a book of my works about fairies... (shh, that's a secret,
don't tell anyone about that...)

12. To stop making so many crazy, unachievable New Years resolutions...


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