Here's a little issue I was hoping some of you fine folks could help me clear up. I recently shot a roll of portraits on XP2 Super, and got them developed by a certain UK-based mail-order pro lab. For various reasons (usually I don't bother with prints...) it was the first time I've ever had XP2 printed, so I didn't really know what to expect beyond what I'd read - the results were much weirder than I'd imagined though.

I've put a couple of sample scans up at - the left-hand thumbnails are scanned in from the prints, and the right-hand ones are the corresponding scanned negatives. The negatives look pretty normal to me (errors in technique notwithstanding ;-) ), but the prints look extremely odd. I've tried to point out the weirdness in the captions. Overall, the dark areas have come out looking almost solarised - areas that are virtually black in the negative have been printed even lighter than some of the shadows.

Anyways, my question is: is this "normal", or should I be asking for reprints? :-)



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