
Sunday, January 4, 2004, 7:36:15 AM, you wrote:

> Me too - just on the list the other day, I noticed that I had used the words
> "their", "they're" and "there" in *their* wrong contexts!  I was almost
> going to post an apology for it too, but decided to swallow my pride for
> once and just accept that I am human...! lol.

> I think that word is "homonym", but I *have* been known to be wrong on
> occasion...

> John said:" Steak and stake "ain't" a typo or a mispelling now is it? Theres
> a term for words that sound the same but are spelled and
>> mean different things but it escapes me at the moment....... I am guilty
> of all three types of mistakes from time to time.



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