Well after seeing Nick and Steve both present themselves, and given that its
Year, I'd better do the same.

Hello everyone, I'm Ian. Currently expatriated to San Francisco working for
HP, I was born in
Rotherham S. Yorkshire, and lived in Lyon, France from 1984-2000. 
Which makes me a heinz 57, brit-euro-frog-yank, somehow.

During most of my early years, I learned on Kodak box cameras, Instamatics,
Dad's old Zeiss 
Ikon Nettar 515 (which he has handed down to me, dunno if its works, but
everytime I touch it I see Ansel Adams come in my mind's eye), an old
Practika SLR, before investing in Olympus and Zuiko glass
>From '78-2000. 
It was until after 2.5 years of messing with a Kodak DC280 digital between
2000- and May 2003, 
that I realised it was too early to go digital SLR and my budget doesn't
allow for it. 
Also, life is too nice to spend in front of a monitor, which I find all too
often happens
With digital.
I simply love messing with glass and accessories (like tubes, bellows and
the like), but the
Family budget doesn't support *istD -- yet -- keep playing the national
lotto ian.

So, when my Olympus Oms decided to die, the quote for repairs was 1/2 the
cost of an
old stock, new ex demo PZ-1P, & Tamron 28-300 AS-IR (not XR). 
The PZ-1P is a dream machine, the twin wheels are a delight. 
Bought these @ Keeble & Schuchat, Palo Alto and SMC-F 50mm/1:1.7, SMC-A
F1:2, Extension
Tube K, and AF280T off ebay.
I'm seeking a 20 or 24mm fixed or decent 24-90mm, but pennies are short at
so I'll have to wait.

This is all spare time stuff, last theme was macro/closeup work, just to get
the feel for 
The extension tubes. http://www.photo.net/photodb/folder?folder_id=364748

Also did some downtown SanFran night work, but not 100% pleased with it.

My current theme is early morn/late eve medium rise buildings. The bay area
has some wonderful structures, that reflect superbly the sun's colours. I'll
be posting some of these late feb 

I've been subscribed to this list since end of July '03 and it is nice as
Steve says, 
full of experts, who spontaneously provide feedback, hints and tips. There
Some clear characters too, which makes for spicey e-conversation.

I hope to meet some of them one day.


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