Actually I did some comparsions again this afternoon against the blue sky and found there was about 1/3EV difference between the 2 filters when they were turned to provide the deepest blue sky. The difference was significant enough for the A80 to pick up. So it is quite possible the two pictures would look almost identical if 1/3EV was added to the B+W picture. Also, the HOYA Ultra is a multicoated filter while the B+W is uncoated so it should explain the flare (as I don't have the proper adaptor for my uncoated HOYA). But I think these rough tests should convince myself that the difference between HOYA & B+W CPL is not as significant as some might suggested.

Alan Chan

Hi Alan,

Not a CPL expert, but just attempting a brief analysis. To compare, I
clicked each link in succession, opening them in the same window in IE. I
don't think there's much colour difference in the blue saturation really;
solely based on these two examples, I think it's too subtle to warrant
paying the extra money for the B+W. Like William, I noticed the B+W's poorer
flare control, it's the most obvious thing when you're flicking between the
two images (back + forward buttons) in IE (with the next picture in the
exact same position as the second, so any 'movement' is a difference in
image quality). The second thing I noticed was in the little bit of shadow
detail in the snow on the roof in the bottom left. I don't think that was
the result of the polarising effect though. What it appears to be (to my
untrained eye) is that the B+W seems to be costing a bit more light (perhaps
1/3 stop?). If this is the case, that's why the sky in the B+W example looks
a bit darker? From the results, I'd favour Hoya. Perhaps try a few other
shots? Maybe the cliche person through the windscreen of a car, or koi in a
pond (unless you've got really lazy koi, it'll be hard to get them in the
exact same position I reckon..), or maybe just a lake with some sky in it?
Just some thoughts.


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