Cool shots Kevin, I love those ship ones...  How cool is that effect of the
moon behind those clouds.  Funny actually, cause I was outside with my boys
at around 8.30 and Jaimyn (my 5yo) observed that "tonight the moon is round,
so we call it full, and tommorrow it will be a half-moon, you just wait and
see".  Of course it is not actually a "full" moon tonight, but it does look
like it to him.  Anyways, sorry to digress, they are lovely shots and you
did a really good job with the "guestimations".

BTW, it is bloody hot up here tonight too - and so humid, you could just
about stick your tongue out and have a drink!  Wish it would just rain,
cause it generally cools off for a couple of hours after it...

It is 11.10pm here now, and still well over 30°c, and that is WITH the air
con on....! (Thanks Butch, I used the "degrees" symbol!)

'night all,

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Kevin Waterson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, January 06, 2004 10:27 PM
Subject: On a hot summers night...

> 8:30pm and the temp is still over 35C. So to cool off I took a drive
> into town for some atmosphere. In town there is a small carnival and
> a ship has anchored in the river. I thought I would try my hand with
> the Bulb setting on the *istD and rather than let the camera do the
> exposure work, I thought I would do it myself, without the camera
> meter, or ambient light meter. Basically what I have done here is
> alter the aperature and guestimate the correct exposure, counting
> the seconds in my brain cell. Here are some of the results.
> Kind regards
> Kevin
> -- 
>  ______
> (_____ \
>  _____) )  ____   ____   ____   ____
> |  ____/  / _  ) / _  | / ___) / _  )
> | |      ( (/ / ( ( | |( (___ ( (/ /
> |_|       \____) \_||_| \____) \____)
> Kevin Waterson
> Port Macquarie, Australia

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