I have an SF1n.  Don't think I would take it someplace rugged.

Jim A.

> From: Steve Jolly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Tue, 06 Jan 2004 15:40:31 +0000
> Subject: Re: The "Toughest" Pentax
> Resent-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Resent-Date: Tue, 6 Jan 2004 10:41:54 -0500
> Shel Belinkoff wrote:
>> Still, like the Timex watches of old, "it takes a licking and keeps on
>> ticking," although I don't know why anyone would want to lick an ME S.
> They're raspberry flavour - that's the difference between them and the
> "vanilla" ME, which tastes like vanilla.
>> So, which Pentax body do you feel is the toughest ... the one you'd take
>> through the rain and the mud and the Atacama desert, and toss into the
>> back of your rattling old pickup and not worry about it getting the crap
>> knocked out of it?
> Seriously though, in this entire thread, nobody's yet mentioned a Pentax
> camera that *didn't* stand up to abuse.  Is there a body that anyone
> *wouldn't* be prepared to take somewhere unfriendly?
> S

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