At 12:57 PM 3/25/2001 -0600, Chris Brogden wrote:
>On Sun, 25 Mar 2001, David P. Chernicoff wrote:
> >
> >
> > Check out the bid history. It looks like someone created an account 
> just to
> > drive the price of this up to ridiculous levels. That doesn't, of course,
> > explain the ridiculously high winning bid.
>I'm not sure that I agree.  If you look at the times, you'll see that
>cymraun (the high bidder) bid $255.01 at 10:17 on March 23, and *then*
>eddymerckx bid $185.01, $200.01, $225.01, and $250.01 in quick succession
>from 12:18 to 12:24. on March 23.  So it looks like the winning high bid
>came first, and then your 'suspicious' guy was just trying to become the
>high bidder by bidding in small increments.  The fact that cymraun's bid
>came in at exactly $5 more than eddymerckx's implies that proxy bidding
>was at work, and cymraun's maximum bid was probably even higher.  So it
>just looks to me like a case of one guy *really* wanting this winder,
>while someone else was only willing to go to $250.  Auctions with two
>high-bidding guys are always great for sellers.

Yes, but eddymerckx account has 0 feedback and was created on March 23, 01, 
the day he placed the bids. Given that the winder went for over $100 more 
than what they usually sell for on ebay, I find that suspicious. Especially 
since someone who is already using an LX and has an idea of what the 
equipment was worth (which might explain registering and bidding) would be 
unlikely to overbid by that much.


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