...and the thing you're doing wrong is charging too little. Low end pricing 
gets you low end clients. Weekend warriors shooting $500 weddings are going 
to attract riff-raff clients who basically want something for nothing. This 
is why, as a "shooting on the side" guy, I only freelance for studios atart 
at midrange pricing.
Don't even have to deal with PITA MOBs, because it's the B&G that arrange 
things and sign the contract. Even if the folks are contributing, you're 
working for the person that signs the contract.
At the end of most weddings we get thanks, hugs and a check.


From: "tom" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
- Weddings are fun. Unless you're hired by rednecks, twits, or morons,
people are going to be on their best behavior, treat you well, and
give you cake.

- If you get hired by rednecks, twits or morons it's your own damn

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