The official LDS church based in Salt Lake City does not practice or
condone Polygamy. Those who practice it are excommunicated from the LDS
Church. However those who practice it do believe in the prophecy of
Joseph Smith, and use The Book of Mormon as their holy text. So I guess
you could call them fundamentalist Mormons. And no, Polygamy is not
legal even in Utah. Believe it or not, with the official Church's
blessing the State of Utah is trying to crack down on Polygamists. In
fact, a "Polygamy summit" was held by a bunch of county and state
attorney's this summer to formulate a plan to go after them. A big
famous Polygamist, Tom Green, was just sent to prison on a sex with a
minor conviction for sleeping with and impregnating his 14 year old
umpteenth wife.
        What pisses me off is that his legal team is now appealing on
the grounds of the Supreme Court's ruling on the Texas Sodomy case. I'm
sorry, but having sex with minors doesn't come under that ruling to my
way of thinking. 
        One of the major major problems with Polygamists, is that they
are a huge drain on the welfare system. Because they don't allow the
wives to work outside the home, and can never hope to support their
gigantic families on one Man's salary, they take gobs and gobs of
welfare handouts to support their illegal lifestyle. I hope the State
does come down on them and come down hard.

Jeff Jonsson

-----Original Message-----
From: J. C. O'Connell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 07, 2004 1:15 PM
Subject: RE: Cheap bastards? -was: Down off my "high-horse"... with a

Aren't the mormons the ones that engage in legal polygamy?
   J.C. O'Connell   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

-----Original Message-----
From: Bob W [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, January 07, 2004 3:08 PM
Subject: Re: Cheap bastards? -was: Down off my "high-horse"... with a


I've been to Mormon weddings and inside Mormon temples, and I'm an


Wednesday, January 7, 2004, 7:53:12 PM, you wrote:

> Hey, around these parts (Utah) there are no photogs allowed in the LDS
> (Mormon) Temples. So all the pics the couple gets are portraits 
> outside the Temples with temple as backdrop, and pictures at the 
> receptions. Oh, and non-Mormons are not allowed inside the temples at 
> any time, so as is sometimes the case with converts, one half of the 
> family is not allowed to even GO to the wedding ceremony! Not being 
> Mormon myself, I refuse to call Mormon Weddings "Weddings" I refer 
> only to them as "receptions" because that's the only part I'm ever 
> invited to.

> Jeff Jonsson

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