"John Francis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> This nifty gizmo just showed up on DP Review yesterday:
>> http://www.dpreview.com/news/0401/04010501epsonp1000.asp
>Sweet.  Put a 40GB drive in it, and .PEF support, and I'd
>be seriously tempted.

I'll bet both are coming.

> But 10GB is definitely on the small size.

I think it's enough for a day's shooting for most people; a dump onto a
laptop PC would follow.

>Mind you, I'm not interested in direct connection to an
>Epson printer, so I expect somebody else will match the
>display quality in a cheaper, higher-capacity unit.

There will certainly be competitors, but I expect everyone will offer
direct printing as it probably adds *very* little (if anything) to the

Mark Roberts
Photography and writing

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