Why do you think I'm asking all these questions, Boris me lad?  I can see the
istd as a supplement to the leica and the mx/lx bodies, and as a replacement
for the sony digi i'm now using.  i do like a lot about the digi concept, yet
there are times film works better for me.  and while i like the little sony,
there are times i'd like, well, not so much more features, as some different
ways of working.  in fact, as i see it now, perhaps both the sony and the istd
would be a good setup.

Boris Liberman wrote:

> Honestly, if I had the green I'd buy one. I'd then probably toss away
> my ZX-L and what came with it (FG grip, etc). I would then use *istD
> for color stuff and use my ME Super and *same* lenses for b/w stuff.
> It would probably be ideal for me.
> But then, I can afford $500 body, not 2.5 times that figure...
> Well, eventually I suppose it will happen, one way or another...
> Thanks for asking? How about yourself? <g>
> Boris

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