The PZ-1p has what is called a "grip strap." Truly a wonderful addition to the camera.

What you get is a small extension to the bottom of the camera. No battery holder, no electronics, just the plastic platform that attaches to the bottom. This gives you two things.

First, the addition extends the grip on the camera so that you have more to hold onto.

Second, it has an attachment point, on the lower right corner, for the bottom end of the grip Strap itself. This is a leather and nylon short strap which attaches to the upper right of the camera, lower right of the camera+attachment. You adjust to fit, slide your hand through like sliding your hand into open fingered gloves, and you are ready for a day of shooting. A wonderful secure aid to keeping the camera in hand. As it were. Having once used one, I would never again carry a PZ-1p without the grip strap.


Ian bromehead wrote:
Anyone heard of a grip accessory for PZ-1P ? It was mentioned in a short
thread in a older user club pdml, but I never heard of this. T'would be good
to know if one exists since the trusty beast gets a little unwieldy in some

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