The use of the title "former mayor" is correct, Frits. . .
So long as he's not the current mayor, he is a former mayor - so that
would apply to Koch as well as Mr. Giuliani..
Just like my "former wife."
The former wife I still talk to prefers that title to "ex-wife" for some
reason!  <g>

keith whaley

Frits Wüthrich wrote:
> I thought Giuliani was the former mayor of NYC, or is it correct in
> English and it can be anyone who had the position in the past, not just
> the last one?
> On Mon, 2004-01-12 at 14:44, Steve Desjardins wrote:
> > There is a great story that the former mayor of NY Ed Koch went into a
> > restaurant   (one sunny day).  Another patron walked up to him, poked
> > him in the chest and said "you were a terrible mayor".  Ed promptly
> > relied in a loud voice "**** you", to the applause of the rest of the
> > restaurant.
> >
> >
> > Steven Desjardins

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