On 12/1/04, [EMAIL PROTECTED] disgorged:

>1. They actually planned to have the *ist D work like this but wanted
>to release the camera before they were able to implement the "green
>button meter"
>2a.  They rather cluelessly though no one would care about the
>difficulty of using K/M lenses on the *istD and when they saw some fuss
>they said "Gee, sorry, we can fix that . . ."
>2b. They rather cluelessly though no one would care about the
>difficulty of using K/M lenses on the *istD and when someone suggested
>they could use the DOF preview button they said "Wow, what a good
>3. With ruthless corporate thinking they tried to coerce people into
>buying more new lenses but realized they could sell more &istD bodies if
>they fixed it.  Or, they were afraid that the loss of compatibility
>might cause enough folks to switch to Canon.
>4. The folks who want to use K/M lenses have no real impact on business
>but when Pentax had the time to get a round to it they found a
>work-around with the green button as a "favor" to long time loyal
>users..  The mechanical coupler is gone because it just doesn't really
>matter anymore in the big picture.



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