Hi Frank,

I suppose, in great part, that's what photography is all about.
Like radio, it allows you to put yourself into the scene, into
the picture as it were.

There was a series of books many years ago called the
"Foxfire Books."  In one volume a young woman was
interviewing a woman in her eighties, and asked if she
missed not having a television.  The older woman replied
that she didn't need a television, she had a fireplace.

Perhaps a photo is something like a fireplace ...


frank theriault wrote:

>  I imagine that she'd be great to great to
> sit down and have coffee or tea with;  she'd have some great life stories to
> tell.
> Like I said, I've no idea if my thoughts have much to do with reality, but
> those things are what I thought and felt when I looked at your photo.

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