Hi all,

I've finally done it.

My brand spanking new G5 Powermac arrived today. I bought the single 1.6GHz version as NZ mac prices are somewhat higher than in the US (that's called an understatement).

Why did I "switch"? Well, 10 years+ of using PCs is probably all I need to say :) The thought of having to Windows XP is too hideous to contemplate.

I'm sure this thing was meant to come with X 10.3; I'll have to pressure the supplier for a free upgrade. I must have Expose`!

Tomorrow I'll order Photoshop CS and a Gb of RAM to go with it.


- Dave

PS - please let me know if this message arrives HTML formatted. I haven't yet found an option to set plain text so I'm just going to cross my fingers for now.

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