"Christian Skofteland" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Yesterday I attended a friend's wedding.  I took along the D and a couple of
>lenses and flash.  I was pretty much in "snap-shooter" mode taking pictures
>of my ex-coworkers, friends, the wife, etc. and having a grand old time.
>At the beginning of the event I decided to replace an old set of Lithium AAs
>for a set of Sunpak rechargeable NiMHs.  I had just charged them so they
>were very fresh.
>20 frames later (I was using AF, the camera was set for 3sec review and
>every few shots I would hit the play button to show someone a goofy picture)
>the batteries were dead.
>Luckily, one of my wacky friends had a huge pack of AA alkalines in his car.
>I put a set in and shot another 70 frames or so during the night.  They are
>still in the camera going strong.
>What's the deal with the NiMHs?

You may have defective batteries or just "not good enough" batteries.
there are a lot of differences between various NiMH batteries, even
amongst those with identical ratings. Read the Imaging Resource battery
article at http://www.imaging-resource.com/ACCS/BATTS/BATTS.HTM

The Powerex 2200 are supposedly the best. They're available from Thomas
Distributing at http://www.thomas-distributing.com/mh-4aa220.htm

Mark Roberts
Photography and writing

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