That's kind of why I started to put my little portfolio together. Friends have seen me for years now, taking photos, and started asking what the hell those photos looked like. This is a way to show them a tiny bit of what I've been up to. Plus, if I get something printed up for a friend, it's much nicer to stick it in the portfolio and carry it around that way, rather than an envelope that I end up sticking under my arm, dropping in the mud, etc. <vbg>

And, of course, it does make a much nicer presentation if I'm trying to impress someone on whose walls I want to put my photographs.

But, unless I have a specific purpose, I rarely carry it with me. I want both hands free for grabbing those unexpected shots! <g>

Oh yeah, right after I posted, someone (forgot who, sorry - then I deleted the post) asked me what type of portfolio I was using. It's an Itoya 12-8:

I got mine on sale, but I think I paid somewhere around $14 or $15 CDN for mine - maybe they usually go for around $20 CDN? Still, not a bad price, and they do a good job of protecting my prints, as well as making for a nicer presentation. The prints slide in and out easily, if so desired. Mike Johnston, in one of his articles mentioned them (I noticed that after I'd already bought one, which of course pleased me... <g>).


"The optimist thinks this is the best of all possible worlds. The pessimist fears it is true." -J. Robert Oppenheimer

From: "Cesar Matamoros II" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: Another Show
Date: Sun, 18 Jan 2004 10:49:31 -0500


Congratulations! Awesome!

I hope you will still talk to us little people at GFMtn :-)

I have been tempted to compile a portfolio of shots that I truly enjoy of
mine.  You and other stories like it may cause me to start it.  Not that I
would be showing it off, more for friends who do ask.

Congrats again,


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