Not being a PC person, I visited Google.
They said, in defining a ".pif" file:

        Short for Program InFormation file, a type of file that
        holds information about how Windows should run a
        non-Windows application. For example, a PIF file can
        contain instructions for executing a DOS application in
        the Windows environment. These instructions can
        include the amount of memory to use, the path to the
        executable file, and what type of window to use. PIF
        files have a .pif extension . 

mapson wrote:
> >Oh my GOD Robert, I just opened a PIF file - and guess what happened ?!?!?
> >
> >
> >Cheers,
> >   Cotty
> I don't know :o)
> You won a million dollars?
> I do not claim that you can avoid ALL viruses but often they follow a
> pattern. PIFs are good give-away it might be a virus. 

Since this is a Windows "how to work" file, why is it necessarily
associated with virii?
I know I'm missing something here, but it has always seemed to me that a
.pif file, by itself, is not an indicator of the presence of a virus.
Are .pif files carriers of viruses? What?


> Another one is a
> general reference to something that supposedly happened recently. "thanks
> for lunch the other day, now it's my turn", "this is the info you asked
> for", "XYZ send hello" etc.
> I got the Snow White one a couple of times. They tell you the beginning of
> the story and then ask you to click on a link to see the rest (sexual
> references all over).
> Last week I got a prompt for Windows update. All killed as soon as they
> emerged ;-)
>        ---- (*)o(*) ----
> Robert

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