> I just posted to say that Alias/Wavefront is a Canadian company, based here 
> in Toronto.  I think they came up with some sort of computer animation 
> software that blew everyone else out of the water, and AFAIK, they're now 
> world leaders in the field.

Originally Canadian, but bought some time ago by Silicon Graphics.
(Actually I believe Alias Research were Canadian; I don't know where
Wavefront were based before Alias bought them).

Their reputation was built on industrial-strength 3D modelling and rendering
software (amongst many other things, Lance Armstrong's Tour de France bike is
designed and built by a company using Alias/Wavefront software).

The animation software is a minor part of their product set, although it is
almost certainly the most widely seen; "South Park" is produced using Alias
software because, according to the show's producers, it was the only computer
animation package that could produce the cheesy craft-paper look.

I wouldn't quite call them world leaders in animation software; I think that
position has to go to Pixar.  But they are certainly a major player, along
with Pacific Data Images (Shrek) and a couple of others.

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