They are similar to the free standing Aladdins found in a lot of minilabs,
they may actually use the same paper. You could try a couple images to see
if you are happy with the results. The results are good, but not quite as
snappy as a good frontier print. They also are a bit more finicky to set up
and keep running well, a donor change almost always is a noticeable color
shift requiring a calibration. It's also the size of one of those self serve
copiers found in Staples etc. not really what I would call portable. Moving
it around would not be a great idea. It would take two men minimum to lift
into a truck and I think things would go out of adjustment with constant

What is your need anyway? A Frontier 330 will take up to 8" paper so if you
don't need 10" prints and can live with the slower speed it's about 60-70%
the price of the 370. However, if you're not going to run a minimum of 20-30
rolls a day through it you will have problems keeping your chemistry good.
If what you need is a portable or semi-portable unit for making enlargements
I would go with an Epson 2200 or 4000. That, with a fast computer would cost
you between $2500-$4000 US, the print costs would be less then the
Pictography and it would be portable(ish).

If you do try to find an Aladdin to look at the prints, make sure it's a
free standing one. Some are hooked directly to a Frontier.


Each man had only one genuine vocation - to find the way to himself.

Hermann Hesse (Demian)

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