Adelheid wrote:

AvK> I will work out something more convenient if the komkon server stays out for
AvK> good.

  To the PUG team and anybody else interested,
  If the komkon (a private non-lucrative initiative) is going down, I
  suggest it's time to make our own server. Prices of hosting and
  domains are quite accessible and there should be no problem for us
  to raise the necessary funds required to keep the site running for
  the next couple of years. Not to mention that we might switch at
  some time to a dynamic site that automates posting, page generation,
  mail confirmation, personal mini-gallery, etc. We have among us
  enough programmers perfectly able to contribute.

  Any one willing to act on behalf of the community and gather the
  money to pay for the registration and hosting of, say, ?

  Servus,  Alin

  P.S. I came up with the same idea a couple of years ago, hopefully
  this time there's more enthusiastic support with the advent of
  digital in the Pentax world. :oT

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