Hi Graywolf,

I don't want to argue with others here, but this is my
I owned a Vivitar 19mm f3.8 for years and was quite
happy with it, until I compared it to another lens. My
advice to you is: Don't buy it! It only sharpens up
stopped way down and even then, it's not that great
especially in the corners it really sucks.
It's a piece of garbage compared to the Russian 
MC Mir-20M 20mm f/3.5 Lens.
When I first bought the MC Mir-20M, I could tell the
on the NEGATIVE, between the two lenses. When I
magnified with Photoshop, I was absolutely Stunned at
the difference. So, I quickly sold my Vivitar. 
I have since purchased a Pentax FA 20m f2.8 (I wanted
a k mount wide angle instead of a screw mount) and I
did some 
comparison shots. I was surprised at how good the
Mir-20M was even compared to the Pentax. Just about as
sharp, almost as good even in the corners, flares more
though under certain circumstances because it's not as
well coated as the Pentax and it has a large glass
front. The Mir-20m is a lower contrast lens than the
Pentax, but it takes awesome photos. 
Perhaps my Vivitar was a bad copy, but I don't think
so. Any lens can look good with web shots.
I took nice photos with the Vivitar and they looked
fine as I stated earlier. But once I saw the results
of a better (equally priced)lens, it was no longer
I have no idea about the MIR-47K 20mm f2.8, I never
used that lens.


> Date: Mon, 26 Jan 2004 14:19:00 -0500
> From: graywolf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: Vivitar 19mm
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii;
> format=flowed
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> I think I will have to put one of these on my wish
> list. I have always wanted an 
> ultra-wideange. They are not expensive at all, and
> from the photos you guys show 
>   they seem to be good enough for everyday use.

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