To all that has been said I would like to add that the battery grip that you can
get for the *ist D is a wonderfull accessory that makes the camera a joy to
hold in portrait orientation - and it looks v*e*r*y cool!

And, there is the finder magnification. When you are used to film cameras (even
the likes of a PZ-1 that has a relatively small finder image) you will find that
the *ist D image is even smaller - and still it is the largest of the
competition! I have looked through a Nikon D100 and I found this like looking
into a tunnel - a lot of black, with a small image in the middle...
>From the specification available, the D70 finder will be even smaller and that
alone would rule out that camera for me.


Zitat von Tanya Mayer Photography <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

... inclusion of its rechargeable battery pack etc
> wins me straight away.  Add to this the below US$1000 and I am extremely
> impressed.  Two of my favourite lenses are Tamron adaptalls, so all I would
> need is a Nikon lens mount, one good AF zoom, a TTL flash gun and bam!  I
> would be shooting for around the same price as the *istD, and with some very
> impressive "extras"...
> As far as lenses go, like I said, it would totally suck to have to buy all
> new glass and flash guns, but OTOH, in the long run, I need to give my
> clients the best quality shots that I can afford, and the Canon and Nikkor
> lenses aren't exactly lacking in the quality stakes... Or are they?
> All I can say is that Pentax had better come out with something EXTREMELY
> mind-blowing very soon, or they may have lost me as well...
> I think I will always keep my Pentax lenses and one of my Pentax bodies for
> sentimental reasons and just for "fun", but on a professional level, I am
> keeping my options open and right now they don't look to be headed toward
> Pentax...
> What do you other "Pros" think?
> tan.

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