I have owned two examples of the power zoom version and one example of the newest, f/3.2-4.5 version. The image quality seemed essentially equal, although the newer lens is faster and much more compact. This could make for faster and possibly more accurate focusing, at least with some Pentax bodies.

The newer lens is also a bit flimsier, though, especially since it extends quite a bit when zoomed out to 105mm. The power zoom is a wonderfully solid zoom lens for a modern autofocus one.

I sold my example of the newest version and picked up an excellent sample of the power zoom because I missed its solidity and because the power zoom version balances so nicely on the PZ-1/PZ-1p. But I've since picked up an MZ-5n, a much smaller camera body, and then I recently got a used but EX example of the 24-90. It's light and slightly flimsy like the newest 28-105, but in my opinion the image quality and the 24mm focal length make up for the build quality shortcomings.

I will be listing my EX+ power zoom 28-105 for sale later this morning, complete with caps and an off-brand hard case, if anyone is interested.


Stan Halpin wrote:

IIRC, the $357 one is the PZ (Power Zoom) version, the original one (which I own.) Considered to be a very good lens though I have gotten spoiled by faster lenses. The silver $189 version was made by Tamron and is ok but not great. The $199 version is a newer Pentax version which is also ok but probably not up to the quality of the original.

I have owned the PZ and the Tamron-built one. The PZ is much better and would be my suggestion. The current 28-105 version is the 28-105/3.2-4.5 and seems to be a good performer - better thann the Tamron-built but not as good as the PZ. I haven't used it yet, but someone (who ownes it) told me that it has very good contrast and sharpness.

If I were buying today, I would probably choose either (1) a 77mm Ltd or the FA 85/1.4; (2) the PZ version of the zoom; (3) the FA 24-90 zoom.

Today I would suggest the 24-90, too. Why? Before the *istD I would have suggested the PZ. But now I have also used it on my *istD. And here it doesn't perform as good as on my MZ-5n. But the 24-90 is very good on the *istD (and the MZ-5n). As the 24-90 was designed togethert with the MZ-S and its digital sibling, it might be that Pentax has taken requirements of a digital camera into account.

Cheres Heiko

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