Hey I just wanted to tell everyone how great I think all the pictures are
this month. :o) Seems everyone is kinda putting out their comments, figured
I would try also.

" Red and green vegetation "
by  Thrainn Vigfusson,
I really love the contrast of colors in this picture.

" Hot Water "
by  Cotty,
This is SO cool!  Did you ever see the documentary at the end of Disney's
Bambi movie? They took a bunch of pictures of milk dropping so that they
could draw it acurately.  Too bad you weren't on their team!

" Bell Flower "
by  Robert Herz,
This is just really beautiful to me - especially all the really tiny drops
of water on the edges of the petals.

" Fountain in the Luxumbourg Gardens, Paris "
by  Ann Sanfedele,
I like this one because it is really dramatic.

" Fountain "
by  Bruce Dayton,
So bright and pretty!

All these pictures are so well done to me.  Sorry if I didn't complement
yours specifically, but I really think they are all great. :o)

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