Later this year, I will be making a trip to Italy for the first time.  In my
hubris, I think I might be able to produce some saleable images while I'm
there.  Judging by the grainy photos that fill many of the large hardback
travel picture books I've found, it appears more than a few are shot with
35mm equipment.  I will like to give my work an edge by using medium format
gear.  The 67 would be great, of course, but I don't think I'd care for
lugging it and a heavy tripod around, as this is going to be primarily a
vacation.  My wife is patient woman, but I seem to constant find the
boundaries of that patience :)

I was considering one the following kits:

Pentax 645N / N-II with 45-85 Zoom
Bronica RF 645 w/ 65mm and 45mm lenses
Mamiya 6 w/ 75mm and 50mm lenses

The Pentax would be more versatile, of course, and the autofocus would be a
plus.  Obviously, the Bronica and Mamiya would be lighter.  Has anyone on
this list used a P645 on a two to three week long vacation trip, including
much walking, and found it comfortable?


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