On Thu, 5 Feb 2004, Rob Brigham wrote:
> Thing is - in 2006 when SD reaches(possibly) 3Gb, CF will be well over
> its current 4Gb(or is it 6Gb already?) and required storage sizes will
> have risen too as cameras produce more and more megapixels.
> Don't get me wrong, I think SD has a great future and may win the war
> eventually, but the idea that in 2 years it will have killed CF is pure
> marketing hype in my opinion.
> Of course it is entirely possible that a new format will arise which
> atually renders them both obsolete...
> I will read the article though, because I am interested and slightly
> surprised that the market shares are as quoted.
> Thanks for the link.

It really doesn't matter anyway.  Compact flash is large enough that
adapters exist for it to work with SD, xD, and other smaller formats.
If SD becomes much cheaper than CF in a few years then we'll also just
be using SD cards in CF adapters in our antiquated digital SLRs.

This reality made me feel a little more comfortable about buying an
Olympus P&S camera that uses xD media.  I doubt that any other device
that I own will ever use xD media, but at least I can put the 512mb xD
card that I purchased into my *ist D (if I choose to buy a $40

SD to CF adapters are even cheaper (around $30).

I've never used one of these things, so I can't say if they actually


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