Mark Cassino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>thanks mark - I had not stopped othtink about some of the older, lower DPI 
>scanners.  I figure that the whole reason for shooting MF is to scan at a 
>lower DPI and avoid grain etc that comes in at 4000 dpi.  So looking for a 
>Scan Multi or similar beast is on my agenda.

Yes, that's exactly what I've found, 1125 dpi is so low a resolution
that it can't pick out film grain. The result is remarkably similar to
digital: great accutance and vanishingly low noise/grain. 645 scans come
out at around 4.5 megapixels and with Genuine Fractals make beautiful
prints at 12 x 16 (as big as I can go with my printer). No less a
curmudgeon than Mike Johnston was impressed with the quality of prints
at this size when I showed him some at GFM in 2002. A 67 slide ought to
yield around 7.6 megapixels, which should make very nice large prints.

I have no intention of selling my Scan Multi in the foreseeable future,
but that's exactly the problem when it comes to finding a second hand
one: Those who have them aren't keen on the idea of parting with them.
Unlike many "pro" scanners, this one really seems like
professional-grade construction. It's very solidly built. I have the
optional slide feeder for scanning batches of mounted 35mm slides.
(*That* was hideously expensive - and worth every penny!)

Mark Roberts
Photography and writing

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