"Rothman, Aric" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I have considered one of these, but at it's maximum medium
>format resolution, it would produce only a 8.3 MP file
>for a 6x7 original, which is about two megapixels less than
>it can do with 35mm.
>Is there a noticeable difference between medium format and
>35mm scans with this unit?  I realize there are other issues
>besides pixel count.

Indeed there are. 645 scans at 1125 dpi are *almost* as good as 35mm
scans at 3600 dpi (on my other scanner - the Minolta goes to 2820 for
35mm). I'd guess 67 scans at 1125 would be every bit as good as 35mm
scans. Perhaps better, given the lack of grain.

Mark Roberts
Photography and writing

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