----- Original Message ----- 
From: "David Madsen"
Subject: RE: LX envy

> Believe me I have considered that possibility, but I
cannot afford a DSLR at
> the moment.  I am only in the market to buy something
because I don't like
> only having one SLR.  All of my lenses are primes and I
end up doing way too
> much lens changing during wedding and other event
photography.  I am using
> an MZ-S right now, maybe I would be better off getting
another one, used.

Don't get me wrong. The LX is a joy to use.
My herd require the maintenance of an 18 year old
mistress, but I keep them anyway.
You will find lots of cameras that are more reliable, and/
or with more features, but you won't find many cameras
that are nicer to shoot with than an LX.

William (still proud of the LX Gallery) Robb

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