I am slowly making my way through this months PUG. Comments in no particular order:

" Good Morning! " by Amita Guha,
This is very vibrant and would no doubt be gleaming in the sun were the theme not "wet." It seems just the slightest bit tilted to me. I had no idea what the name of the truck might be.

" Mt Lassen Meadow " by Steve Larson
Very serene. The lush vegetation gives no clue that it is August and that grasses tend to be yellow-brown by that time of year in semi-arrid California.

" Two Rivers " by Erin Dayton
When I first saw this photo, I thought that something had spilled into the river. However, you've explained quite clearly what this phenomenon was. What a neat shot.

" A Watery Post " by  Keneth Waller
These watery posts remind me of pillars of a wharf or pier. What are they?

" Frozen Pond " by  David J Brooks
David, you can design a nature calendar for me anytime. =)

" Fountain " by Bruce Dayton
Bruce, I've only seen the temple from the highway, but are those palm trees? The silkiness of the water fountain reminds me of a bridal veil.

" Wally!" by Christian Skofteland
Interesting science goes on down in the Great Barrier Reef. Looks like a great trip.

" Bathtime " by Kevin Thornsberry
These 2 little ones are the picture (pun intended) of innocence at this moment. In another 30 seconds, they could be splashing the photographer.

" Machiado and Sartre " by  Frank Theriault
What a pleasant way to pass a little quiet time. Reading or photographing.

" Hot Water " by Cotty
Neat freeze shot. Too bad still photography means we aren't privy to the sounds of the drops evaporating.

" Everyday Miracle " by Simon King
Welcome to the world little one. I don't blame Dad for being distracted. I'm sure Dad will have many other opportunities to catch you making faces for the camera.

" Spider " by Alan Chan
Alan, this shot is a little to up close and personal for me. I didn't realize that spiders could be quite so gruesome! Ewwww.

Pat in SF

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