Hi Aaron! Welcome!

Also, I've bought stuff from some PDMLers (Tonghang Zhou and Joe Wilensky and Paul 
all of which was good and exactly as described.  Beats eBay puffery and jive any time!

Same here. I've bought my stuff from some other members - Leon Altoff, Mark Cassino, Bruce Dayton, Collin Brendenmuehl (sp?!) and all my transactions were totally enjoyable. My thanks to all these people as they enabled me with some very fine gear. By the way, I am awaiting for yet another package to arrive...

Indeed, PDML is a great group, may be even the greatest of its kind.

I live in northern Minnesota and we are having our first good winter in
years, there's lots of snow and it looks great. I mainly take what I
guess would be called record shots of family, friends, events,
vacations, and the like, perhaps better than the average snapshooter,
but nothing in the league of some of the pictures that some PDML members post. If I ever figure out how to put film pictures on the internet
maybe some day I'll do that, but I imagine a scanner is needed and I
don't have one and I don't intend to get one for now.

I live in Israel and we have the first winter in past 10 or so years when our source of water - Lake Kineret has about enough water - no red lines involved.

You can post your photographs on PUG which you probably already know. You can also get your films scanned for you in the lab. Which you probably know too. Given of course that you lurked for long enough <g>...

Again, welcome!


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