At some point I wrote:

> >The VF in the ist-D is surprisingly good.  I had an LX before the D and
> >was
> >pretty spoiled (by 35mm standards).  Compare the D to the Olympus E-1 or
> >Nikon D-100 and the D is the big winner.

to which DJE responded:

> I keep hearing this.  Honestly as a D100 user I don't have any problem
> with it and am uncomfortable with the *istD.  Of course I'm USED to the
> D100 and not the *istD.

I wasn't referring to the overall camera, only the viewfinder.  I used a
friend's D100 (before the ist D was released) and was horrified at the
viewfinder.  How could it be so small and dim?  Why was it like looking
through a tunnel?  More than anything I was disappointed because I was
afraid the forthcoming Pentax DSLR  would be as bad.  Having used only LXen
and MXen I could not imagine using such a crummy viewfinder for my style of
photography.  When the D was released and I picked mine up from the store I
was relieved to see that the VF was very good by AF standards.  I understand
now why DSLRs like the D100 have such small viewfinders (APS-sized sensor,
etc) but I'm glad Pentax got something right.  A few weeks after I got my D
I picked up an Olympus E-1.  It's VF was worse than the D100's.


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