Frankly, I'm surprised at the negative comments ... not so
much that they're negative, but the way they've been
expressed, as if some sort of monster has been unleashed
that's about to break through the monitor and run amok,
killing hamsters and pussycats, and devouring unsuspecting

If I recall, this little squirrel is a she. I love working
with squirrels ... years ago there were two that frequented
my little cabin in Berkeley, and after a time they'd just
come into the kitchen and enjoy the nuts I'd leave out for
them.  There were afternoons when I'd be reading or snacking
in the kitchen, and they'd jump through the window, and we'd
snack together. ;-))

I'll put up some other pics that may be less "threatening." 

Paul Stenquist wrote:
> I think some of our list members are afraid of little animals. I've had
> several squirrels that I count as friends and several friends that are
> decidedly squirrely. I happen to like this photo very much. He's a
> darling. And the look in his eyes is priceless. (I'm assuming he's a
> he. Shel, can you provide any further information in regard to gender?)
> Seriously, a very nice nature photo.

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